Leading/Facilitating High Performance Design Thinking

The Key Issue

Leading groups and teams to think and ideate in order to make higher quality decisions (whatever the application) in the work environment is a common need throughout most organizations today. Yet we continue to use slow and unproductive processes to fulfill that need. Point to point thinking, Yes/No thinking, argument, power and authority issues all prevail in typical decision making processes. You can imagine and perhaps know the consequences via your own experience. More often than not the best ideas do not emerge, and those participating are often reluctant to play given the power and authority issues at hand. Even when an idea comes forth there is often low ownership resulting in ineffective implementation. And the list of issues and problems can go on.

In the middle of all this confusion and unproductive effort you might hear someone say or you might think to yourself, “What we need is a way to think and act more productively as a group in order to make higher quality decisions about the work we do!” And our internal or external ears hear a resounding YES to that need.

How We Address The Issue

LHPDT is an extraordinary and powerfully effective design thinking program in that it combines and integrates three of Dr. Edward de Bono’s thinking tools; Six Thinking Hats, Lateral Thinking and POP. Six Thinking Hats, which operationalizes parallel thinking, is the foundation of the course; three of the Lateral Thinking tools will be used, Random Entry, Challenge: Why A, B. and C., Concept Extraction and the Concept Fan; and four of the DATT tools, AGO (Aims, Goals and Objectives) FIP (First Important Priorities) C&S (Consequences and Sequel) and OPV (Other Peoples Views). The three tool sets are positioned within a larger tool, TEC (Target, Expand, Contract) which provides the thinking action framework for the issue or application that is being addressed.

During our three days together you will develop your skills in using these tools on pertinent business issues and applications. A highly interactive and experiential process, you will experience and be coached on how these tools can be placed and used throughout the ideation and decision making process. 

Program materials and reports: The course includes a Focus on Facilitation manual, an excellent de Bono Thinking Systems™ Leader-Facilitation Guide for Organizing, Managing and Leading Group Thinking plus an extensive set of leader peripherals.


On a team, group and organizational level you will be able to:


  • Lead your team in a disciplined and focused design thinking process where people want to actively participate; one that positively calls for and invites participation and contribution.
  • Increase your team’s creative output and ability to make higher quality decisions.
  • Create alignment and higher levels of ownership via increased participation.
  • Increase your team’s thinking efficiency and effectiveness via this new ‘leads to’ process.
  • Dramatically diminish argument and productively coalesce power, authority and influence issues.
  • Focus more on the effective and disciplined use of the thinking tools (a behavioral approach to thinking) accompanied by productive forward movement.
  • More fully actualize the intellectual and emotional capacity of your team.
  • Create higher quality ideas that lead to higher quality decisions, actions and ROI.  

On a personal and professional level you will be able to:


  • Lead, model and set the standard regarding the need for higher quality ideation and decision making using the LHPDT process
  • Transform your efforts from simply trying harder to using a design thinking action tool set that makes things happen; more productive output, more involvement, and higher ROI for your thinking efforts using the LHPDT process.
  • Feel more confident in your ability to productively change the way thinking about work happens.
  • Increase your self awareness as a thinking leader in discussions with the program leader, the group, and the 16PF Personal Career Development Inventory.
  • Increase your confidence and capabilities to execute and launch decisions with assurance.
  • Add the needed thinking for action tools to your everyday management and/or R&D efforts

Who Should Attend

Managers who want to help their teams make higher quality decisions while increasing ownership; internal or external consultants who work in organizational systems; anyone who wants to use an effective tool set for higher levels of thinking output and action.

This program can be delivered on your site in a three or four day format.

For further information, please contact jpc@debonogroup.com or call the 888-572-2190 number below.